Here's the full version - ENJOY!!

Hi! I’m John. Thanks for visiting – you are VERY welcome!

I’m a happily married father of three grown-up kids. I’m originally from the UK but my home these days is wonderful New Zealand. Back in the early 2000s my wife and I decided that we needed a change – both professionally and personally (more on that later!) – so we upped sticks and started a new life on the other side of the world. I can honestly say that was one of the best decisions we ever made and something for which I am grateful every day. I do still visit the UK regularly though, to see my Mum, who is still thriving well into her 80s!

Although New Zealand is home, work has taken me to many different countries and I’m thankful to have experienced so many different cultures first-hand. My professional and personal passion is people development – helping people with a genuine desire to improve their situation to achieve their full potential. Being able to help others is a real blessing and a privilege for me. The other passions in my life are great coffee, great books, great movies, great restaurants and great countries…and let’s not forget great gyms of course!

No surprise then that my core values are focused around family, service, growth, balance and freedom.

And speaking of freedom, as I have gained more and more experience in many different cultures I have come to realise that it's all too easy for us to get wrapped up in the way of life to which we are accustomed - whether we believe we chose this path consciously or we feel that our current situation is just somewhere we ended up, and we're not quite sure how.

One thing I have learned over the years is that there are many different ways to Iive life. It's pointless to debate whether one way of life is 'better' or 'worse' than another. Objectively, these concepts are meaningless. For me the only truth that matters is how we feel - each one of us - when we reflect on our own lives. If we get an immediate buzz, a sense of fulfilment and rightness that we are absolutely where we are meant to be, doing what are meant to be doing, then that is a gift beyond words and something to be relished with full gusto! If, on the other hand, this reflection conjures in us a lingering sense that something is missing, something is out of line and that we're just going through the motions, then that's a whole other conversation.

Hopefully you can sense the emotion behind these words, because these are drawn directly from my own experience. Winding back a few years I had definitely signed on to what I later came to believe is just society's view on what constitutes 'the good life'. Get the job, grind out the 9-5, get ahead, get the car, get the house, get the bigger car, get the bigger house and all of the blah blah blah that goes along with that.

As I learned more about how the world really works I realised that what I had been chasing so ardently was just so much smoke and mirrors. For me it became just an endless treadmill of meaningless activity fuelled by consumerism. Sure, nice things are OK, but what's not OK is becoming a slave to those things, always wanting the newest and shiniest doo-dad. I have been there. Done that. Moved on.

From that point on I began to live differently - and it felt as if I was really awake for the first time. Getting clear on all of the life choices available to me was a revelation. I chose to wake up and live on purpose, not just as another cog in the big machine.

Starting my own online business was a logical next step for me. It gives me the freedom to work less doing things that I actually enjoy! I can set my own hours and I am my own boss. I love the sense of empowerment that gives me. The future looks bright! For the first time in years I feel truly engaged with my work, and I'm learning new things every day, whilst helping others who are on a similar path. What could be better than that?

There's no doubt that each of us is on a journey. Whatever we do as we move through life, our experiences inevitably shape us. I choose to let every experience - good or not so good - shape me positively. As I travel my own path the million dollar question is always this: who am I becoming? Hopefully I'm becoming a little better, a little wiser, a little more caring, a little more giving, every day.

The bottom line is this: The journey is all we have. If we chose to live on purpose then that journey can be truly amazing.

So what does all this mean for me? Actually it boils down to just two simple questions:

1) Have I helped others be better today than they were yesterday? 

2) Am I better today than I was yesterday?

If, at the end of every day, I can answer 'yes' to both of these questions then I know, I can feel in my heart, that I am truly living my purpose.

Here's the full version - ENJOY!!

Hi! I’m John. Thanks for visiting – you are VERY welcome!

I’m a happily married father of three grown-up kids. I’m originally from the UK but my home these days is wonderful New Zealand. Back in the early 2000s my wife and I decided that we needed a change – both professionally and personally (more on that later!) – so we upped sticks and started a new life on the other side of the world. I can honestly say that was one of the best decisions we ever made and something for which I am grateful every day. I do still visit the UK regularly though, to see my Mum, who is still thriving well into her 80s!

Although New Zealand is home, work has taken me to many different countries and I’m thankful to have experienced so many different cultures first-hand. My professional and personal passion is people development – helping people with a genuine desire to improve their situation to achieve their full potential. Being able to help others is a real blessing and a privilege for me. The other passions in my life are great coffee, great books, great movies, great restaurants and great countries…and let’s not forget great gyms of course!

No surprise then that my core values are focused around family, service, growth, balance and freedom.

And speaking of freedom, as I have gained more and more experience in many different cultures I have come to realise that it's all too easy for us to get wrapped up in the way of life to which we are accustomed - whether we believe we chose this path consciously or we feel that our current situation is just somewhere we ended up, and we're not quite sure how.

One thing I have learned over the years is that there are many different ways to Iive life. It's pointless to debate whether one way of life is 'better' or 'worse' than another. Objectively, these concepts are meaningless. For me the only truth that matters is how we feel - each one of us - when we reflect on our own lives. If we get an immediate buzz, a sense of fulfilment and rightness that we are absolutely where we are meant to be, doing what are meant to be doing, then that is a gift beyond words and something to be relished with full gusto! If, on the other hand, this reflection conjures in us a lingering sense that something is missing, something is out of line and that we're just going through the motions, then that's a whole other conversation.

Hopefully you can sense the emotion behind these words, because these are drawn directly from my own experience. Winding back a few years I had definitely signed on to what I later came to believe is just society's view on what constitutes 'the good life'. Get the job, grind out the 9-5, get ahead, get the car, get the house, get the bigger car, get the bigger house and all of the blah blah blah that goes along with that.

As I learned more about how the world really works I realised that what I had been chasing so ardently was just so much smoke and mirrors. For me it became just an endless treadmill of meaningless activity fuelled by consumerism. Sure, nice things are OK, but what's not OK is becoming a slave to those things, always wanting the newest and shiniest doo-dad. I have been there. Done that. Moved on.

From that point on I began to live differently - and it felt as if I was really awake for the first time. Getting clear on all of the life choices available to me was a revelation. I chose to wake up and live on purpose, not just as another cog in the big machine.

Starting my own online business was a logical next step for me. It gives me the freedom to work less doing things that I actually enjoy! I can set my own hours and I am my own boss. I love the sense of empowerment that gives me. The future looks bright! For the first time in years I feel truly engaged with my work, and I'm learning new things every day, whilst helping others who are on a similar path. What could be better than that?

There's no doubt that each of us is on a journey. Whatever we do as we move through life, our experiences inevitably shape us. I choose to let every experience - good or not so good - shape me positively. As I travel my own path the million dollar question is always this: who am I becoming? Hopefully I'm becoming a little better, a little wiser, a little more caring, a little more giving, every day.

The bottom line is this: The journey is all we have. If we chose to live on purpose then that journey can be truly amazing.

So what does all this mean for me? Actually it boils down to just two simple questions:

1) Have I helped others be better today than they were yesterday? 

2) Am I better today than I was yesterday?

If, at the end of every day, I can answer 'yes' to both of these questions then I know, I can feel in my heart, that I am truly living my purpose.

Copyright © 2020 Empower Your Life Today 

Copyright © 2020 Empower Your Life Today 

   John Allen

  • Online business owner/digital entrepreneur.
  • Originally from the UK, but an adopted Kiwi since 2003 - home is now fabulous New Zealand.
  • Married with 3 grown up kids - I love my family to bits!
  • I love all aspects of personal development - some of my favourite authors are Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield and Wayne Dyer.
  • Some of my other passions are great coffee, great food, great art, great theatre, great movies and great cities - it's all about the experience for me!

   John Allen

  • Online business owner/digital entrepreneur.
  • Originally from the UK, but an adopted Kiwi since 2003 - home is now fabulous New Zealand.
  • Married with 3 grown up kids - I love my family to bits!
  • I love all aspects of personal development - some of my favourite authors are Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield and Wayne Dyer.
  • Some of my other passions are great coffee, great food, great art, great theatre, great movies and great cities - it's all about the experience for me!

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